Sunday, November 13, 2016

Coming Back To My Senses

This week has been surreal for me. I have seen, in my opinion, the most unfit, unqualified politician become the most important person in the free world. I went through a few stages of emotional reactions and I am finally coming back to my senses.
I am now trying to understand what happened. You can listen or read the media and have all these “pundits” explain it to you, but you will have to remind yourself that the same pundits have spent the last 18 months explaining to you that DJT had no chance of winning.
So I have looked at the data myself and this is my humble analysis of the situation.
1.     Not All Trump Supporters Are Racist- Asserting the contrary would be inflammatory and simply inaccurate. Of course that all the white racist people in America who voted on November 8 voted for Trump. He naturally attracted them with his racist and divisive rhetoric; they even made him their hero. But an analysis of the counties that Obama carried in 2012 reveals that a third of the same counties voted for Trump last week. These guys voted in office, for a second term, a black man whose name is “Hussein”. They are not racist.

2.     It’s Not Only About Jobs In Rural America- Sure the DNC and Clinton’s campaign have not spent a minute identifying with the ordeals of the globalization’s left-behinds, who usually are white blue collar folks in rural America. But a closer look at the exit polls show that 49% of white college graduates have voted for DJT versus 44% for HRC.  So something else is at play here. CNN data shows that after the economy (52% of respondents), the most important issue facing the country is terrorism (18% of respondents). Additionally, of these 18% who considered ISIS to be the key issue, 57% voted for Trump versus only 39% for Clinton.

3.     Trump Is A Good Product Marketer And His Campaign Was An Acceptable “Minimally Viable Product” (MVP)- My geek friends will understand this analogy, but for the other readers, what commentators and analysts call a good politician is a man who knows how to read what electors (i.e. the market) want and give them a campaign (i.e. a product) that would answer their expectations. In the world of product development we call this PMF, a.k.a. Product Market Fit. A MVP is a less sophisticated product that still fits the market.  DJT, as it turns out, is an apt product marketer and has put forward a MVP (i.e. campaign) whose 3 must-have features were:

a)    Emotional empathy for white blue collars. Since there’s no actual solution to these lost manufacturing jobs, Trump identified with this group by defending their values: guns and god.
b)   Acknowledgement that there is a problem within Islam. Here Obama, Clinton and the Democrats largely helped Trump by never naming the problem or using the words ‘Islam fundamentalism’.
c)    No filter. Trump’s straight talk seems to have struck a chord, especially with independents, which voted 48% for DJT vs. 42% for HRC.
All the other aspects of Trump’s campaign were overlooked by his voters. Indeed, they didn’t care that he could be racist, sexist, a liar or a conspiracy theorist. The MVP analogy explains this quite well. Imagine looking for a product that addresses your needs. As long as the key identified features are present in the product, the other features seem less important and are overlooked, i.e. not used.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Paul Ryan’s Moment

Last August, Justin Gest, a political scientist shared in a Politico article that 65% of recently surveyed white Americans would support a party committed to “stopping mass immigration, providing American jobs to American workers, preserving America’s Christian heritage, and stopping the threat of Islam.”

If anything, Gest’s article and research show that even if Trump loses in November, Trumpism has already won with a core group of voters in the Republican Party. There is much speculation about what a defeated Trump would do after the election. He could retire, start a media company to cater to his audience, try to lead the GOP, or create a 3rd party. Whatever he does, he isn’t going away and neither is his base.

Paul Ryan, the current leader of the GOP, has an opportunity to finally show leadership on November 9.  He shouldn’t wait for Trump or some Alt-Right leader to start a 3rd party, he should force them. Indeed, by officially repudiating all Trump voters who are interested in a populist, protectionist, nationalist party, and by inviting them to leave the GOP, Ryan can reach three lifesaving goals for the GOP.

First, he would get rid of the toxic elements that the GOP has let grow in their ranks over the last two decades. Second, he could recommit the party to its 'Reaganesque' ideology with limited government, free markets, entitlement reform and an assertive foreign policy. Finally, and most importantly in my view, Ryan could reclaim many centrist Democrats and independents by suggesting that the new GOP will not consider science, religion and abortion to be partisan issues anymore. The new GOP could embrace the overwhelming climate change evidence and state that abortion and religion are issues that should be dealt with at the family and personal levels, not at the political level.

Many of my conservative friends will disagree with me on this. Also, I believe my wish is a long shot, but if it were to happen, the new centrist GOP would take enough voters from the Democrats and independents to largely compensate for the extremist fringe that will leave it for Trump or any of his successor.

Friday, January 29, 2016

President Donald

Monday April 3, 2017 
It’s a snowy day in DC. President Donald and Ivanka Trump, his chief of staff, are in the oval office working on the week schedule.
Ivanka: Mr. President, we have Angela Merkel visiting next week. When would you rather have the press conference with her, next Tuesday or Wednesday?
President Trump: Ugh….
Ivanka: Mr. President, next Tuesday or Wednesday?
President Trump: I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to meet Merkel. In fact, I know that it makes sense for me not to meet her.
Ivanka: Why?
President Trump: Because she doesn’t like me. She will ask me tricky questions, I know it. I know a bad deal when I see it.
Ivanka: But you never met her before.
President Trump: It doesn’t matter; we have a common friend who told me she was unhappy that I was elected. Plus, who knows if she’ll be at that period of the month. I don’t want to deal with that.
Ivanka: Dad! You cannot avoid meeting people you don’t like. You created a huge diplomatic incident last month already when you went to Iraq and refused to show up at a planned conference with their prime minister.
President Trump: Oh please. The guy hates me; he said so during the general election. But I did well; in fact I did very well, by holding that event in Baghdad instead.
Ivanka: You mean the event when you auctioned Iraqi oil to raise money for the Mexico wall? It is their oil, not ours. It didn’t go that well.
President Trump: of course it did, it was great. We got a super deal. I know a good deal when I see one. Trust me, I am super intelligent; I know what I am doing.
Ivanka: Mr. President, with all due respect, there is no going around Angela Merkel, she is the most important leader in Europe!
President Trump: Who cares about Europe? They’re dead, I tell you, they are dead.
Ivanka: The whole word cares about Europe. You will meet her on next Tuesday, that’s it.
President Trump: No, no, no. Don’t do this to me.
Trump starts stomping his feet.
Ivanka picks up the phone on the President’s desk: please bring us a tape of the Apprentice ASAP. The President is having another tantrum, this will calm him down.